Find Your Strategy

A collaborative process for success

Whatever the objective or scope of the assignment, our commitment, obsession to get it right, and  ability to synthesize a lot of information ensures we’re delivering the best for you.

It's a combination of in-depth understanding, strategic thinking, design excellence, and exceptional project management.

We follow the same trusted process to achieve your desired result. Here are the steps we go through to achieve your remarkable solution.



We start by learning about you, your current situation and your expectations from the project - through research, asking questions, and listening to you.



Our next step is to distill your values, aspirations, and vision for your goals into a strategic guide for your brand identity and creative development.



Good design is grounded in research and strategy. Now that we have an agreed direction, we can start designing something remarkable, that's in line with your objectives.



An effective brand identity has a visual language and voice that's easy to understand across all touchpoints. We'll find the right balance between the flexibility of expression and consistency in communications.

This is a thorough process but depending on the branding objective or scope of the assignment, we may not need to do everything in great depth. This will also change based on the length of time we have, the resources available, and the size of the team on our side and yours.

The process, when done right, can produce remarkable results.

Let's start a conversation

Whether you're seeking help to define your brand strategy, refresh your image to attract new customers, or want to amplify your existing design across all brand touchpoints, let's talk.

We can help you achieve the results you want.

Most processes leave out the stuff no one wants to talk about: magic, intuition, and leaps of faith.

michael bierut | partner | Pentagram